Frequently Asked Questions

  • Therapist-Client confidentiality is protected under HIPAA. This means the therapist keeps client information completely confidential. The exceptions include if therapist believes the client is going to harm themselves or others or if there is suspected elder or child abuse.

  • Each client’s needs and circumstances vary. Although clients typically have sessions once per week, it’s not uncommon to have a session every other week.

  • Clients are free to stop or resume treatment at any time. However, to see the best results, we generally recommend continuing in treatment until the therapeutic goals have been met. At that time, the therapist and client would discuss whether it would be best to end treatment or find a new set of goals. Our ultimate goal is for the client to feel confident that they can handle life’s challenges without the assistance of the therapist.

  • The journey through the healing process can be difficult. Clients should be prepared to discuss the painful memories and challenging experiences that may be contributing to their concerns. “Going deeper” and discussing past traumas may be emotionally painful, but the end result is well worth it!

    Side note: Although clients will be challenged in therapy, they are never forced to disclose anything they do not wish to share.

  • Having supportive and trustworthy people in your life is critical to personal wellness. However, the therapist differs not only in their training and education in mental health, but also in their ability to be an “unbiased third party”. The therapist has no connection to their clients personal life and cannot share their information with their friends or family.

  • Bayside Couples Counseling is not accepting insurance at this time, but is happy to provide you with a “superbill” to submit to your insurance for receiving “Out of Network” benefits; BCC CANNOT guarantee reimbursement from your insurance.

Here are some frequently asked questions from clients.  If you don’t see an answer to your question, feel free to email me!

Start your wellness journey today.